
Are We Just Skipping December, Then?

December 2, 2008

Today, on December 1st, Yahoo published the following year-in-review posts:

What’s up with doing this on December 1st? The year is only 11/12ths over. This is like doing the post-game report after the 3rd quarter of a football game, or the 8th inning of a baseball game.

And it’s not just Yahoo; Google’s gonna post their list soon, and Ask.com already did. Are they just gonna ignore December altogether, pretend it doesn’t exist?

Strange, I say.


  • Reply Phil R December 2, 2008 at 4:54 am

    They have been doing this for years… the news would start doing stories on ‘2008’s most touching stories,’ etc. When it wasn’t even done December. It is almost like they want to cut the last couple weeks of December out of the calendar.

  • Reply Matt December 3, 2008 at 7:38 pm

    I know, and it makes no sense. Poor December….

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