
Can You Spare $11 for the 9/11 Living Memorial?

April 25, 2011

voice_logoLiving out here on the west coast, we don’t hear much about 9/11 except every September when another anniversary rolls around. This year is a special one: the 10th anniversary.

Even though we don’t hear much about it on the news, I know that 9/11 is still very much a daily part of the lives of many in the New York area, Washington, DC and western Pennsylvania.

Cari and I have a dear friend who’s highly involved in a wonderful organization called Voices of September 11th.

VOICES, as it’s called, is creating a living memorial to help keep alive not just the names and faces of those who died that day, but also their lives. Have a look at this short video:

9/11 Living Memorial Video (2 Min) from VOICES of September 11th on Vimeo.

They do wonderful work and you probably noticed quite a few famous supporters in that video. As for me, I’m just very happy to be part of a fund raiser called

Give $11 for 9/11

That website has all the details about what the living memorial is and what the fund raiser aims to accomplish.

How to Help

I’d be honored if you’d contribute $11 to help out. Or contribute more if you’d like — every dollar counts, as the saying goes.

I’ve setup a Matt McGee Donation Page here that you’re free to use.

And if you do, thanks in advance.

Always remember.

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