Browsing Category: Social Media

  • Facebook: Annoying? Mysterious? Both?

    I just finished updating my Facebook profile to the new Timeline. What a nerve-racking experience….because with Facebook, you never know what privacy settings have been changed without your permission, what new options and features are turned on by default, and so forth. Facebook doesn’t exactly have a good history of protecting its users, especially when …

    December 24, 2011
  • 13 Guaranteed Hits in 80s Rooms

    There are a bunch of different rooms on for playing and hearing 80s music. The one I’ve been hanging out in lately is I (heart) the 80s, which is usually one of the more active/busy rooms going each day. (And is the main reason for my addiction.) What’s interesting is how the crowd …

    July 16, 2011
  • I Was on FSN Northwest Tonight

    Well, come to think of it, it wasn’t technically me on FSN Northwest … it was my Twitter pictures. And my Twitter username. That’s kinda like being on FSN, isn’t it? What happened was that Ken Griffey Jr. retired today, and during the Mariners pre-game show, Sean and I grabbed our Griffey bobbleheads and placed …

    June 2, 2010
  • One Year Later, Why I Love Twitter

    I joined Twitter a year ago today. I knew Twitter could be a fun and effective way to keep in touch with my friends and peers, but I had no idea how important Twitter would become to me over the next 12 months. Many people don’t “get” Twitter, or they get it but still think …

    April 30, 2009
  • Going Hot on Twitter

    For about the past two months, I tend to get 3-4 new followers a day on Twitter. It’s not something I particularly care about because, as Mack Collier has eloquently said, the size of your Twitter following doesn’t really matter. And I agree with that. Better to have a small group of passionate followers (i.e., …

    January 6, 2009