
Agreeing with the 2008 Consumer Action Credit Card Survey

July 27, 2008

Mrs. McGee and I are doing our best to get rid of all credit cards in our possession. Unfortunately, it’s slow going because we did some pretty stupid things in our 16+ years of wedded bliss. But we’re making progress, and we’ll eventually get there. Everything will be purchased with cash or debit cards, with (I assume) the exception of homes.


Because we agree with this sentiment:

2008 Consumer Action Credit Card Survey Declares Credit Cards ‘Really !@$% Evil!’



  • Reply David Mihm July 28, 2008 at 8:30 am

    Amen indeed. I currently own exactly (1) credit card, which I use ONLY when places like rental car companies need to put a refundable deposit on there. But, this presents a problem, because as I am not a homeowner, I have NO credit profile, something which caused me to pay dramatically higher rates on my car lease.

    How f&*&ed up is this system, where someone who avoids relying on credit is penalized for good behavior?!

    Glad to see that you guys are helping in your own small way to end the credit stranglehold on this country.

  • Reply Matt July 28, 2008 at 9:18 am

    It’s totally effed up. They charge higher interest rates to the people who have less ability to pay, making those people more likely to miss payments and go into default. And that’s just one example. 🙂

    We’ve been credit card haters for a while, but since I’ve been reading The Consumerist over the last year or two, it’s only reinforced my feelings.

    Q: Wouldn’t the rental car companies take a debit card to hold a reservation? How do they know the difference?

  • Reply David Mihm July 28, 2008 at 9:25 am

    A: I’m not sure. All I know is that when I tried to use a debit card at the Enterprise rental window at the Burbank airport about two years ago (because I didn’t have ANY credit cards at the time) they took it under EXTREME duress. Maybe debit cards somehow allow people to rip them off, but they can get compensation from the credit card companies if that happens? I really have no idea.

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