
The Horsetail Reed Experiment

July 25, 2014


The experiment began at about 6:55 pm last night.

That’s when I finished planting eight Horsetail Reed plants in a container on our front patio. It was a project that began a couple weeks ago when the fiberglass container arrived, and I started purchasing (and digging) rocks, soil and the plants. I worked on it a few hours here, a few hours there, and then it all finished last night when the plants, soil and top level of rock were put in.

Horsetail is considered a weed in some circles. But I love it, especially when it’s fully grown and shooting straight up in the air.

Why am I calling it an experiment?

  1. I’m terrible at growing anything, so this could go terribly wrong. I’ve read plenty of care instructions, but they really could be dead in a matter of days.
  2. Horsetail is very invasive so, if they do survive, I also have to make sure they don’t somehow start to magically grow in the front lawn, which is about 4-5 feet away.
  3. It often grows along the side of ponds/streams/canals and other bodies of water, but the experts say it can also grow in dryer soil. And that’s how I’m growing it: in regular organic potting soil on top of about 12-18 inches of rocks (which should allow for some air down in the bottom of the planter).

So you know … fingers crossed, prayers said and all that. Let’s see how long these things stay alive, shall we?


  • Reply Jay November 7, 2017 at 12:14 pm

    Hey, how did this turn out?

    I am looking to do a similar thing using horsetail reeds.


  • Reply Jay November 7, 2017 at 1:14 pm

    Hi Matt

    Thanks for the super quick reply. What a shame that they didn’t work out.

    I’m having second thoughts now.


  • Reply Matt McGee November 7, 2017 at 1:51 pm

    Well, don’t let my experience be the deciding factor. I’m the worst green thumb person you’ll ever meet. But the combo of the wrong planter (not enough standing water) and too much wind was a problem here. Shame, cuz they’re really cool looking plants. But I bet others more skilled in greenery could make it work.

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