Social Media

How NOT to Market on Mixx

October 19, 2008

We all know that a lot of people and companies are using social media for brand exposure, traffic, links, etc. Marketing is there, and always will be, but the smart companies and people do a great job of not being obvious about it. They work to fit in, to blend in and become part of the community.

And then there are morons like this:


This moron is going around leaving spammy comments on all kinds of stories — that’s how s/he has those 390 points. I think you get 3 points for a comment on Mixx, so that’s 130 spammy comments. Way to contribute to the community.

If there’s any silver lining to this, it comes from looking at this person’s friends and followers:

screenshot 2

The silver lining? Look how easy it’ll be for the Mixx spam cops to quickly zap all kinds of lame accounts that have no business being active on the site. It’s 3:40 pm PT on Sunday as I post this. Let’s see how long it takes to get all this cleaned up. I’m betting it won’t be long at all…..

(This reminds me of my post earlier this year, How NOT to Market on Flickr. Spammers are just dumb….)


It’s now 4:07 pm, 27 minutes later, and that account is gone. Nice job, Mixx crew. You rock.


  • Reply lucio October 19, 2008 at 4:02 pm

    Good found Matt!

  • Reply Brian Wallace October 20, 2008 at 6:59 am

    Nice coverage, Matt. And good riddance. My favorite part of this is that they actually had the GO button still on the avatar 🙂

    Fail x 100

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