
Interesting Flickr Survey

December 9, 2012

flickr-dotsFlickr just invited me to take a survey when I visited flickr.com tonight. With all the talk about Flickr’s future and Marissa Mayer taking over at Yahoo, how could I resist taking it?

Despite a warning that the survey might take 15-20 minutes, I gave it a try. When I clicked the “Yes” button, I noticed that my Flickr ID was passed through to the survey — so Flickr would be able to tie my responses to my account. And then the first couple questions asked about my age, gender and even zip code. (I answered all of that honestly.)

The survey asked how many photos I typically take in a given month (I said 60), and what devices I use — smartphones, DSLRs, point-and-shoot, etc. It also asked how I manage my photos:


There were a couple questions asking my opinion on photography in general — do I consider it “art”? Do I consider it my hobby? My passion?

On that last question, I said NO … it’s not really a passion. I enjoy photography a lot, but it’s been several years since I could honestly say it’s a passion. And when I said NO (actually, on a scale of 1-4, I answered “2” as to how passionate I am), the survey abruptly came to an end.


That leaves me even more curious about the survey and where it was going.

Anyone else get the chance to take the same survey??

1 Comment

  • Reply Phil R December 9, 2012 at 6:12 am

    I visit flickr much too often to be honest… and never gotten a survey from them. Darn.

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