It’s done. Everything is settled. We’ve sold our house, the inspection is over and now we’re in the final couple weeks of construction on the new house. Closing is set for March 5th on both houses. We’ll start moving that day, and then finish up on the 6th. Then clean this house on the 7th and be completely moved in to the new place.
And I think we’re both (Cari and me) exhausted!
Everything went fine this past week with the current house. We had an inspection last Saturday that raised some concerns about the heat pump. So the buyer asked for a follow-up inspection by one of the well-known local HVAC companies. They came on Thursday and gave the heat pump a clean bill of health — everything’s working as it should.
So now we’ll start to think about packing up and getting things in boxes so that the move goes as quickly as possible. I’m going to buy a couple dollies and pads to make the move easier, and we already have a bunch of friends lined up to help. Whew.
Meanwhile, the new house continues to look great and move along at a great pace. The builder told us last weekend that they’re ahead of schedule and should be finished around February 25th. Woo-hoooo! But we won’t be able to move in until after the closings on March 5th. That’s okay, because it may mean that we can use that window to have a nice, custom floor put down in the garage. Still working on that possibility.
We had one minor hiccup this past week with the new house, when Cari and I noticed that the fence was about to be installed high enough that it would’ve blocked the amazing view out the backyard. You can kinda see the poles in this photo:
But we worked with the builder, and they worked with us, and it’s all squared away now. The back yard is going to be graded so that it slopes down away from the house. The six-foot fence will be big enough to keep Sparky inside, but low enough that we’ll still enjoy the amazing view from this lot. Can’t wait….
We’re super excited about the move. Well, not excited about the actual physical process of packing and moving, but about getting settled into a beautiful new home that’s still near our kids’ schools, in a great neighborhood, and has an amazing view of the western skyline. We’re feeling very blessed right now.
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