
On Memorial Day

May 26, 2008

On Memorial Day

Originally uploaded by Matt McGee

Hoping you and yours had an enjoyable holiday (if you’re in the U.S.), and hoping you remembered the reason for the day off. Seems like a lot of big Web sites remembered what Memorial Day is all about … but not Google. Odd that they celebrate almost every holiday with a special logo, but not Memorial Day….

Anyway, the McGee 4 had a good day. Thought about my dad, who served during the Korean War. I remember going out for Halloween one year wearing the actual Air Force hat he wore. That was cool, even if it was about 10 sizes too big for little ‘ol me.

Cari worked today (the real estate industry doesn’t know what “holiday” means), the kids played outside a bit, I cut the lawn and the first cookout of the year was a flaming success. (Pun fully intended.)

We had our flag out today, too, and the above is a photo I took shortly before bringing it in. You can click for the bigger version on Flickr, along with some Memorial Day quotes I found.

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