Since leaving my last company job in mid-September to work for myself, I’ve been contacted by search marketing companies on both coasts wanting to know if I’d consider relocating the family and coming to work for them. In one case, I had to think about it a bit; in another case, it was a quick, “thanks, very flattered, but not interested” reply.
The reason? Money. Not salary, but cost of living. It’s one of the main reasons we enjoy living here. Cari wrote a few months ago on her blog about surveys showing that Tri-Cities is the least expensive place to live in Washington … and, as I remember my time in 2006-07 when I lived half of each month over in Seattle, it’s true.
This past week, a similar survey came out reinforcing this idea: the cost of living in the Tri-Cities is about 36% lower than Seattle, and about 11% less than the national average.
Fact is, our dollar goes further here … and that’s why we’re not going anywhere anytime soon.
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