
Recommended Reading: Historical Tweets

April 15, 2010

Imagine if Lincoln was on Twitter! Or Lewis & Clark. Or Adam. I’m betting some of you are familiar with Historical Tweets, a super-funny site that conjures up what famous people from history might’ve said on Twitter. It was featured on CNN and elsewhere a few months back and little did I know at the time, but … it was created by an old friend of mine!

Alan Beard was a student at Pepperdine when I was there in the late 1980s. In fact, he lived in the same suite as me when I was in charge of one of the on-campus dorms. We had a group of about 5-6 friends, ranging from freshman to seniors, and we had an absolute blast hanging out, making each other laugh, you name it.

historical-tweets-bookAnd I just found out today that Alan and Alec McNayr have turned the web site into a book: Historical Tweets: The Completely Unabridged and Ridiculously Brief History of the World. The book is coming out on April 27 and you can pre-order on Amazon for less than $10 (aff link).

I’ve already put in my order and even if some of the most popular historical tweets from the web site will be in the book, that’s okay. Alan says there’s a lot of new stuff in there, too. Can’t wait for it. Congrats to my old Pepperdine friend.


  • Reply Alec McNayr April 15, 2010 at 5:06 pm

    Thanks Matt — glad to get the glowing review, by proxy.

    Hope to meet up with you in person soon!


    • Reply Matt April 16, 2010 at 9:52 am

      Good luck with the book, Alec – hope it’s a huge success. Would love to meet up someday.

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