My mom and dad were married 55 years ago today — September 12, 1953.
I’m sure someday Cari and I will celebrate our 55th wedding anniversary but, at the moment, 55 years of being married borders on being unbelievable. It’s unheard of. Many marriages are lucky to last five years, much less 55.
When I was visiting them earlier this year, we talked about this accomplishment. As children are wont to do, I wanted to find out how they made it happen. How do you survive 55 years of being married to one person? I asked my mom for some insight, something I could use to help make sure Cari and I survive that long. I asked her … What’s the secret to a long marriage?
Her answer:
We never both wanted to get divorced at the same time!
Ha! Amen to that. And now you know their secret, too. It’s good advice, especially for those of you who recently married.
Happy 55th to my mom and dad! Here’s to many more…
Thanks for the advice. =)
Your parents are the best in-laws I could ask for. I am definitely up for another 38 years and 49 days with you!