Browsing Tag: gang of youths


    I’m nervous for a band…

    October 8, 2018

    In a few hours, Gang of Youths is gonna take the stage at Talking Stick Resort Arena in Phoenix as the opening act for Foo Fighters. It’s the first of seven shows they’re opening for the Foos.

    Each night, they’ll be playing in big arenas — 17,500 to 20,000 capacity. The buildings won’t be full when the opening act starts playing, but even at 50% capacity or so, I have to think these are the biggest crowds that Gang of Youths have ever played to in North America.

    And I’m actually nervous for them!

    After 30+ years with U2 as my favorite band, this is a really new — and kinda cool, frankly — feeling. With U2, it’s been a loooooooong time since anyone would doubt whether they’d be liked, have an audience, succeed. All of that has been a given, no matter how much faux modesty Bono has given off over the years.

    But my new favorite band has no such guarantees. They don’t have name recognition here in North America. They don’t have radio airplay, album sales or anything like that. They have a lot to prove. There’s legitimate jeopardy as they take the stage tonight and over the next couple weeks. I know nothing about Foo fans, but I sure hope they’re open to hearing a new band while they wait for the real show to start.

    Opportunity is knocking. Good luck, Gang of Youths. I’m rooting for you.

    UPDATE, 8:45 pm

    Well, Gang of Youths have finished their set and Foo Fighters should be starting now (or soon or already did). And based at least on a few tweets, they made a good impression on some in the audience. Way to go, GOY.


    Standing in the darkness, laughing with my heel on its throat

    August 16, 2018

    (This might be hard to follow. Today is August 16th. I began writing this blog post on June 6th and titled it “GTFOOYH,” a reference that you’ll read below. I finished the post, which was primarily about some mental and emotional struggles I’ve been going through and how a song by a new band I love has helped me cope. I showed the post to my wife and she said it was great, but I didn’t publish it. I guess I was afraid.

    Much has changed since I finished the original post, and I’ve thought about scrapping it and starting over. But that would give me an excuse to edit out some of the stuff that I found difficult to write about; I don’t want to do that. So I’m going to leave the original post in tact below and then write a lengthy postscript that brings the story to its current status today. And I’m changing the title to reflect where I am, not where I was. Apologies if this is hard to follow and a bit messy. That’s how life is sometimes….)

    [Note: This is what I began writing in early June.]

    Every once in a great while, a song comes along that changes your world.

    It happened for me a couple months ago when I heard a song called “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane.” I was listening to this new band called Gang Of Youths on Spotify and stopped what I was doing as this song played. I knew I’d found something special.

    My wife and I were having lunch recently at a hotel restaurant when I told her about this song. I began reciting some of the lyrics. My voice cracked. I started to cry. I told her, “This is the most important song that’s come into my life in at least the past 20 years.”

    Not long ago, a friend emailed me with an offer I couldn’t refuse: A ticket to see U2’s intimate show at the Apollo Theater in Harlem on June 11. What U2 fan wouldn’t jump at the chance to see his favorite band in a small, historic theater with only about 1,500 other fans?

    I thanked this friend profusely and did some quick research on travel and accommodations. Within an hour, I used frequent flier miles to book flights to New York City on Alaska Airlines, and booked a reasonably affordable hotel, too. I was gonna be able to see this once-in-a-lifetime show for about $600.

    Twenty minutes later, the excitement had worn off. I realized I was going only because I felt I should, not because I really wanted to. I canceled the flight and hotel bookings.

    It was the latest weird twist in my longtime U2 fandom. I wrote about some of this a couple months ago — not buying new albums, not chasing down new vinyl releases and so forth.

    My wife is pretty alarmed by this lack of interest in U2. The band, after all, has been part of my life for longer than she has. They’ve been part of my identity. A constant. She wonders if I’m suddenly walking away from them, what else am I willing to walk away from?

    I’ve never talked about this with anyone until that aforementioned lunch with my wife:

    I’m deathly afraid of dying. The thought of leaving this earth — of leaving my wife (if I die first) and kids — scares the hell out of me. This started probably 10 years ago or so, and has slowly gotten worse over time.

    It’s gotten to the point of being mentally paralyzing for almost entire days. There was a day about 3-4 weeks ago that I couldn’t stop thinking about dying, and how afraid I am of it, and I was unable to think about anything else — couldn’t get any work done, couldn’t do anything. I was stuck inside my head and totally gripped by this fear. It was awful.

    Somewhat complicating the matter is that I’m a Christian and I know I’m supposed to welcome death with open arms. For Christians, death is an opportunity to finally see our real Father and spend eternity with Him. We’re taught that this world isn’t our home; Heaven is. And we’re taught that death isn’t to be feared.

    So, in addition to the general fear of sharing this with anyone, there’s also been the idea that talking about it with any of my Christian friends, or even a Christian counselor, would be pointless because I already know what they’d say. They’d be supportive and caring, for sure, but I already know what the Bible says about death and this world not being our home. I know. It’s not helping.

    All of this has been noticeably worse since both my mom and dad died in the past few years — my dad in 2015 and my mom late last year. I’m still not used to being without both parents, and I’m starting to wonder if I ever will be.

    My mom died nine months ago. For the first 6-7 months after she died, not a Sunday went by that I didn’t mistakenly think, “I need to call Mom today,” like I’d done pretty much every Sunday for the past 10-20 years. For the past month or two, I’ve stopped thinking I need to call her, but I haven’t stopped wishing I could.

    I’ve spent most of the past couple years in what I call turtle mode. My tendencies towards introversion have been in full bloom. I’m consciously avoiding many things and choosing to stay in my shell. Earlier this year, I took some initial steps toward becoming a small business mentor with SCORE, but soon decided that I’m too busy these days to make that commitment.

    I am busy — no doubt about that. But I also feel like, if I was in a better state mentally, I could’ve stuck it out and figured out a way to make it work.

    There’s a line in “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane” that really hits home for me:

    And it’s strange, all the things that I’ve run from
    Are the things that completeness could come from

    Deep down, that’s exactly how I feel — like I’m running from things that I’d really enjoy.

    As I sat at lunch that day with Cari, telling her about all this — the new song I love, the sometimes paralyzing fear of death, the continued sadness I have about my mom’s death (and my dad’s), I cautiously said this:

    “I feel like I might have some kind of mild form of depression.”

    She started nodding in agreement before I finished the sentence.

    I was — and still am — super reluctant to make that kind of self-diagnosis because I don’t mean to diminish the struggles of people who are really battling through something worse than my current struggle. Depression is a serious word, a serious condition — and I don’t want to be accused of blowing some ongoing sadness out of proportion. On the other hand, I keep seeing lots of messages on social media about how you can’t keep it inside, you can’t be afraid to share what’s going on. And so that’s what I’m trying to hold onto as I type this.

    As Cari nodded, she reminded me that she went into a state of depression in 2008 after her dad died. She even went to counseling for it. (I confessed that I’d forgotten about that.)

    She told me that one of the common expressions of depression is that you reject things you love. After her dad died, she stopped reading. And if you know my wife, you know that reading is just about as important to her as breathing.

    I’m sure there are people who would say the same thing about me and U2.

    I wasn’t there when my dad died. My sisters were, and they called me to share the news. I went back to Pennsylvania for the funeral, but I never had the chance to say goodbye to him.

    That changed a few months later when a completely unexpected series of events fell into place at the last minute, and I found myself at a U2 concert in Chicago. In the middle of the show, I felt compelled to put my camera away and let the music wash over me. As the band played “Bad,” I saw my dad sitting in our house as we watched Rattle And Hum together. I cried a river of tears and, in that moment, was finally able to say goodbye to him.

    I think I went into U2’s current tour expecting the same kind of catharsis about my mom’s death. I saw three of the early shows this year, and that moment never happened. There was no “Bad” moment this time around. I knew it wasn’t (isn’t) fair to put that kind of pressure and expectation on a band, but I also knew that U2 had never let me down before in that way.

    Since then I’ve realized that it wasn’t only unfair to ask a band/concert to do that for me, but it was also unnecessary. I did say goodbye to my mom already. I was at her bedside last year when she died. Now I just need to work on accepting that she’s gone, and that I said what I needed to say before she died. Baby steps.

    In “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane,” Gang Of Youths’ singer/songwriter Dave Le’aupepe tells the story of a dream that he had regularly in which his imaginary wife/girlfriend and their kid die in a car accident while he’s drunk in the basement of their home.

    The song title is a take on a Charles Bukowski line (“As the spirit wanes, the form appears”) and Le’aupepe has referenced a philosopher named Martin Heidegger when talking about the lyrics … all of which is, for me, very reminiscent of U2 and Bono’s lyric writing over the years. So, I love that aspect.

    The chorus is an encouragement — or maybe a reminder — to not waste time, and not waste the gifts that grace has bestowed on us.

    Do not let this thing you got go to waste
    Do not let your heart be dismayed
    It’s here by some random disclosure of grace
    From some vascular, great thing

    It’s an important message and one that I’ve tried over the years to impress on my kids. But it’s at the end of the song, in the last chorus, when the song cuts right to my bones.

    Get the fuck out of your head if it says
    “Stay cold and be deathly afraid”
    Do not let your spirit wane

    “Get the fuck out of your head.” That’s the lyric that I’ve needed to hear more than any other lately. Because I have been telling myself to stay cold, and I’ve been deathly afraid of my own death for so long now. Too long.


    I’ve made that acronym my Twitter profile, and every so often (1, 2 and 3) I’ll tweet it with no explanation … just a reminder and encouragement to myself.

    If you see one of those tweets, now you’ll know what’s going on. It might mean I’ve caught myself having a moment. Or it might just be me encouraging myself not to have a moment. I’m not looking for sympathy, but I’d obviously welcome the prayers and support of anyone reading this.

    Things are starting to look better. I’ve committed to a speaking engagement next month — my first one in more than four years. My U2 malaise continues unabated, but I’m kind of excited by the progress we’re making on a new website, so that’s good. And I’ve got this new song to remind me to GTFOOYH.

    It’s a weird place I’m in. I don’t like it and I want to get back to normal. I just haven’t figured out how. Yet.

    Here’s the song I’ve been talking about. The singer mumbles a bit so it might help to have the lyrics handy if you’re interested in listening.

    [Note: This is the postscript that I started writing in late July.]

    I flew to Dallas earlier this month for my first speaking gig in about four years. My first flight was a short hop over to Portland. It was a really early flight, which is always tough since I’m a night owl. Fortunately, I had a row to myself and decided to lean over against the window. I put on Gang Of Youths’ latest album, Go Farther In Lightness, and closed my eyes. I may have drifted in and out of sleep a bit.

    I don’t know what song was playing, but there was a moment that I woke up and looked out the window. Mount Adams was right in front of me, like close enough that it felt like I could reach out and touch it. And as I looked at this beautiful sight and listened to this new album I love, the most incredible sense of peace washed over me. I said a little prayer of thanks, and suddenly sensed that my mom was okay and I would see her again in Heaven. The weight of her death was gone. Whatever difficulties I was having since I was at her bedside last October and saw her take those final breaths — I felt them leave me. It’s hard to explain even now; it was just the most wonderfully peaceful feeling.

    I knew Cari would be awake and I knew I could text her since Alaska Airlines has that free-texting service while you fly. So I sent her this:

    When I explained all this to her, she said that I’d felt the peace that transcends all understanding. Amen. That’s exactly what it was, and is.

    That speaking engagement went really well. I gave two presentations and it was just like riding a bike; I felt very comfortable up in front of an audience again. And it was really good to see some friends from the marketing world that I hadn’t seen in a long time. I enjoyed taking a step out of “turtle mode.”

    In the time since that flight, I’m still listening to Gang Of Youths as much as ever. But “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane” isn’t my favorite song anymore; it’s been replaced by “The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows.” This song lifts up my spirits in much the same way that U2’s “Where The Streets Have No Name” did for years. Specifically, there’s one lyric in “Deepest Sighs” that I’ve clung to lately:

    I will stand in the darkness and laugh with my heel on its throat.

    For me, that lyric is the flip side of GTFOOYH. (I replaced it on my Twitter bio, too.) Once you’re out of your head, you’re not immune to the darkness and difficulties of life … but instead of letting it all get in your head, you put your heel on its throat. Strength over fear. Here’s a live performance of the full song below, and here are the full lyrics.

    Since that moment on the flight to Portland, things are so different and so much better:

    I no longer wake up on Sundays forgetting that my mom’s gone and thinking that I should call her. I still miss her, of course, but it’s not a missing of grief — it’s a missing of gratitude, of remembering all the great times and great blessings she poured into my life.

    That fear of death that had paralyzed me for so long is gone.

    I had the great experience getting back up in front of an audience in Dallas, and taking a step out of turtle mode.

    I feel like that depression — if that’s what it was — is gone. Maybe it was something else, maybe just extended grief and sadness … I don’t know. Like I said, I’m really reluctant to use the D-word in this context. But the bottom line is that I’m in a much better place now than I’ve been for the past several months, if not the past few years, and I’m grateful for the discovery of a new band and new songs that have been a huge help in this turnaround.

    So I’ll just wrap up this really long and really strange post by saying this: If I didn’t seem myself to you recently, and if that included doing or saying something that was hurtful or somehow inappropriate, I’m sorry. I haven’t been myself. I was in a weird place. But I’m getting back to normal now and feeling more like myself every day. I’ve got my heel on darkness’ throat. And I’m laughing.


    I Have a New Favorite Band

    July 30, 2018

    I’ve had a lot of second-favorite bands over the years … Boxer Rebellion most recently, Collective Soul before that, etc. But I’m here to report that today, for the first time in 35 years, U2 has become my second favorite band.

    They’ve been replaced by Gang Of Youths, an Australian band (now based in London) with two albums and an EP, and I can’t get enough of them. I have the same feels for Gang Of Youths that I had for U2 in 1983/84. I want to watch all the videos, read all their articles and interviews and just dig in to their music as much as I can.

    And that’s what I’ve been doing, as evidenced by my listening chart — this one shows the albums I’ve listened to the most over the past 90 days.

    Over the years that I’ve been a U2 fan, there’ve been all kinds of bands that were supposed to be the “heirs to the throne” after U2 … Radiohead, Coldplay, Muse, The Killers, Kings Of Leon, etc. But for my money, Gang Of Youths is the band that can make the most legitimate claim to that title.

    I’ve been trying to convert everyone I know to become a GOY fan, so I figured I’d make a list of things you should know about them — plus all the reasons I love them — and then I can just share this article in the future.

    Honest, Candid Lyrics

    I think the best songs tend to come from pain. That’s why I’m so attracted to Achtung Baby, and also why I love a lot of Gang Of Youths’ songs.

    Dave Le’aupepe, the songwriter and lead singer, has an amazing backstory. Got married at 21 to his girlfriend, who had cancer and has since died. (I think she died while they were recording their second album.) He’s struggled with alcohol and attempted suicide. Watch this short interview:

    Many, maybe most, of Gang Of Youths’ songs seem to be about these struggles and losses that Le’aupepe has been through. The EP has a track called “Still Unbeaten Life,” written apparently in the final days of his wife’s life as she fought cancer. It’s something that could turn into a really maudlin song, but I love the mix of tenderness and defiance in the lyrics:

    But I will pay any debt to your hands that I owe
    For your still
    Your still unbeaten life

    And later…

    Oh, and breathe abundantly tonight
    Dance atop the grave that has your name

    I’ve never been a big lyrics guy, but the honesty and candidness of this band’s lyrics are utterly compelling.

    They’re Okay With Being Uncool

    Some of the band’s lyrics and song titles are nothing short of cheesy. The most recent album has a single called “The Heart Is A Muscle” and ends with one called “Say Yes To Life.” Amongst all the lyrics I love (above), they have some really iffy couplets like this:

    Sometimes life sucks, everything is lame
    Not everything’s as easy as making lemonade

    Thing is, Le’aupepe absolutely owns it all. “Sometimes I worry that this shit sounds too twee or cliché,” he recently told Stereogum. Then later, he says “If Gang Of Youths are tacky, I don’t give a shit anymore.”

    He wears his heart on his sleeve, as the saying goes, and screw you if that makes you uncomfortable. He’s not trying to be cool, and I love that.

    Intelligence/Literary References

    This won’t be a comprehensive list, but here’s a sample of some of the literary references in GOY songs:

    • “Fear and Trembling” is the first track on their latest album, Go Farther In Lightness. The song references and borrows its name from the Soren Kierkegaard novel.
    • The song “Atlas Drowned” is written as a response to the themes Ayn Rand wrote about in Atlas Shurugged.
    • The title of their song “Do Not Let The Spirit Wane” is a reference to a Charles Bukowski line, “where the spirit wanes, the form appears.”
    • “Achilles Come Down” references the Greek mythological hero.
    • The chorus of “The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows” mentions “the unbearable, terrible triteness of being,” a play on words related to the Milan Kundera book, The Unbearable Lightness of Being. The song touches on some of the book’s themes. This same GOY song also references Sisyphus.

    In addition to the literary references, Le’aupepe uses words like “solipsism” (in “Let Me Down Easy”) and “simpatico” (in “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane”) and “ephemera” (in “Say Yes To Life”) and “emulsified” (in “Keep Me In The Open”).

    I love a band whose lyrics make me open a dictionary or try to remember back to my English Lit classes in high school and college.

    Songwriting & Musicianship

    Look, I don’t know how else to describe this, but I just think these guys have written some incredible songs and they play them with fantastic musicianship. I’ll try to limit this to just a few….

    And this next one is the same song as the second video above, but listen to drummer Donnie Borzestowski just go off in the final minute:

    (Oh, and I LOVE how the bassist mouths the words at the end of the song as if he’s the lead singer. Beautiful!)

    Wanna Give Them A Try?

    My introduction to Gang Of Youths came via this David Fricke article on titled “How Gang of Youths Are Living Their Dream of Being the Next U2.” That’s a good place to start. You should also read the Stereogum article I mentioned and linked above. And there’s a little more made of the U2-ishness of GOY in this Lefsetz column from a couple months ago. (“Bono should give up in comparison. I was totally enraptured,” he says.)

    Musically, I began by listening to the 3-4 most popular songs of theirs on Spotify, and what looked like their most-watched YouTube videos. (Try these: “The Heart Is A Muscle,” “Let Me Down Easy,” “Magnolia,” “The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows” and “What Can I Do If The Fire Goes Out?”) After that, I went back and listened to their catalog in order: The Positions, Let Me Be Clear then Go Farther In Lightness. And I haven’t stopped listening to them since. (The lyrics posted on have been a big help, too; a lot are annotated with quotes about the songs from previous interviews, so you learn some of the backstories and meanings.)

    One of the cool things is that every week seems to involve a new discovery of a song that I love. It’s like a musical Christmas with a new gift the more I listen.

    “Do Not Let Your Spirit Wane” was my first favorite, for reasons that I’ll explain in a separate blog post that I’m struggling to finish.

    “The Deepest Sighs, The Frankest Shadows” was my next favorite, and probably still is … it’s my “new Streets,” the song that lifts me up the way “Where The Streets Have No Name” has lifted me up for a couple decades.

    “Still Unbeaten Life” is a slow gem that I adore. “The Heart Is A Muscle” is kinda cheesy but in the best way possible, and I went through a stretch where it was a fave. Ditto for “Radioface.” Right now, “Keep Me In The Open” is the tune I can’t get enough of — not my overall favorite, but it’s this week’s gift.

    One note as I wrap up: If you DO spend some time listening to these guys, you’ll quickly find out that Dave L. is a pottymouth; lots of their songs are labeled “explicit” on Spotify. That might’ve bothered me 10-20 years ago, but at the ripe age of almost-50, I have a major case of DGAF when it comes to stuff like that. Your mileage may vary.

    I don’t know if this is a permanent change atop my “favorite band” list, but I’m not gonna worry about it. Just enjoying the music and discovering as much as I can about this new (to me) band. So if you see me tweeting incessantly about Gang Of Youths, now you know why.