Browsing Tag: new house


    Sunsets on Twitter

    September 23, 2012

    (I don’t know why this has bothered me for the past couple days, but it has, and that’s probably a fault that I need to think about more and work on.)

    I was at a local event last week chatting with a lot of friends and somehow the subject of my sunset photos on Twitter came up. I tend to post maybe 2-4 sunset photos per week, like the panorama photo that I shared tonight:


    What bothered me in the conversation was that a couple friends referred to my sunset photo-sharing as a “humblebrag” — i.e., bragging while trying to make it look like you’re not bragging. They were probably just joking or giving me a hard time, but the reality is that jokes like that usually come from a place of honesty.

    And it bothers me that anyone thinks I’m showing off or showing how cool/great our new house is, or whatever it is that gives off the impression of bragging. Ugh. That’s not at all the case.

    The reason I post the sunset photos on Twitter is twofold:

    One, my boss Danny Sullivan often posts sunset photos near his house in Newport Beach, Calif., and I told him I was going to challenge him all summer for best sunset photos.

    Two, and much more importantly, I post those photos to share how amazing God is. We go to church on Sundays, but the rest of the week, our back patio — and that sunset view — becomes like church for me. I can just sit there and think and be in awe of the beauty.

    It’s not that I’m trying to show off how great I am, or how great our house/view is … I’m trying to show how great God is. He’s the one that created it. He’s the one that put us in position to live in this home. He’s the one that deserves all the glory.

    So … yeah. Like I said, I probably shouldn’t be bothered about it like I was. I need to work on that. And I will.


    New Address, New Online Error Messages

    June 4, 2012

    Aside from the occasional brush with unwanted creatures, living in a new house is pretty dang awesome.

    But, as I’ve recently discovered, living at a new address has at least one minor drawback: Nobody recognizes that it’s a real address. Or, at least, nobody that uses whatever international address database is out there.

    Several times in recent weeks, while trying to conduct business online and providing my address, I’ve come upon messages like this:


    That’s happened on, Amazon, and a couple other sites. Very frustrating. I didn’t even know that addresses were checked against any master database of where people live, but apparently so.

    On the bright side, it’s only a short-term problem. On every site where that message shows up, I just resubmit my order, then resubmit it again and, without fail, the third try gets accepted even if they can’t recognize the address.

    Still, I hope that database is updated soon.


    Snake on a Plain

    June 3, 2012

    We had quite an interesting day on Saturday, thanks in large part to this fellow:


    That is something called a gopher snake. I didn’t know it at the time of “the incident,” and couldn’t see its tail buried in the grass of our backyard, so as far as I knew, it was a rattlesnake or some other dangerous cretin that was invading our property. Ergo, I had no choice but to dispose of it violently. (You can see some of the damage down near its head.)

    It all began at about 7:30 am when Sparky’s incessant barking woke me (and Cari) up. He barks quite regularly in the morning, especially since construction crews usually arrive around that time to continue working on the 3-4 houses that are being built near us. So, at first, we didn’t think anything of it and just tried going back to sleep.

    But he kept barking. And barking. And barking.

    I noticed, too, that it wasn’t the normal Hey, human, I see you across the street! Stay away! I’m a dangerous and scary dog!” bark. It was much more focused and urgent, almost rapid-fire barking.

    I looked out the window and he was down near the back of the property, not a usual place for barking. So, I groggily put on shorts and sandals and walked out back. As soon as I saw him, and he saw me, I knew something was up. He was on high alert.

    My vision was still blurry from sleep as I slowly walked close to him. He was barking at something on the ground and sticking his paw out. The grass was high — we were planning to cut it later in the day — so I couldn’t see much. I got close enough to see about 5-6 inches of what was pretty clearly a snake.

    Shite. Not my favorite animal.

    I knew we’d eventually have a snake encounter since we built a house in what was previously wide open plains — plains that were still completely wide open on the other side of our fence. I just hoped that the snake encounter would happen when I was awake.

    Back Story: 10 Years Ago

    About 10-12 years ago, I think, we had a snake encounter at our old house — which was really odd because it was nowhere near the plains. I had gone out into our front yard and was working on my knees when I noticed a huge snake about 8-10 feet away from me. Scared the bejeezus out of me and, not knowing what to do, I cautiously went back inside and called animal control.

    Problem is that this was late on a Friday or Saturday afternoon, as I recall, and they were nowhere to be found. I kept an eye on the snake from various rooms/windows inside as it crawled all around the front of our house, eventually stopping about 6-8 feet from our front door in a rock bed.

    The city police eventually showed up and, after getting a pillow case and rake from us, they stoically collected the snake, wrapped him in the pillow case, and drove off to deliver him back to … the plains.

    I remember them telling me that, if another snake ever paid us a visit, I could probably kill it by using a shovel and chopping its head off.

    Back to Yesterday

    I’ve never forgotten that piece of wisdom. So, I went and grabbed my shovel and headed to the back yard again. Figured I could take care of this one myself since the snake seemed to be a bit smaller than 10 years ago.

    The dog had been barking this whole time and the snake had moved a bit since I first saw it. Lucky for me, I could see its head clearly. Still couldn’t see the tail, so I didn’t know what it was. Also didn’t know how long/big it was, but the head was kinda small, so that was good.

    I’ll spare you the details other than to say that it was about 2.5, maybe 3 feet long and, thankfully, didn’t have a rattle at the end of its tail. I showed it to the whole family so that they’d know what to look for in the future and we took the photo above on our back patio.

    Whew. Never a dull moment living out in the country, is there?


    A Garage Guy? Moi?

    May 21, 2012

    One of the running in-jokes as we were moving to our new (current) house was about the garage. When we were planning the house, we added an extra bay so that we’d have a three-car garage. When the house was almost built, we spent a small fortune to have a custom floor put down in the garage. After we moved in, when I decided I didn’t have the patience/time to do it myself, we had the garage painted.

    We’ve put a lot into this garage, which is funny because I’m not a garage guy!

    I do fine with most kinds of yard work and I enjoy doing smaller projects around the house (stuff that I can start and finish the same day), but no one will ever confuse me with Bob Vila. Or Ty Pennington. Or even the two carpenter dudes on Cupcake Wars. I love going into Home Depot or Lowe’s and looking at all the tools and gear, mainly because I have no idea what 90% of it does.

    But once the garage was painted, and as we’ve continued to unpack boxes and move furniture around … and as the garage started to clear out a bit … I decided I wanted to go whole hog and really make it nice. You know, like the kind of garage that an amateur “garage guy” might enjoy. I bought and built a couple storage shelf units, a bunch of wall hooks/mounts, etc., etc.

    And this weekend, I finished putting it all together. VOILA!


    Doesn’t that look great??!! The empty spot on the left is where Cari’s car belongs, but even with that in there, I still have plenty of space to move around, store things and get things done.

    It’s like a real garage!

    I don’t know if you can teach an old dog new tricks, but this might turn me into a garage guy, after all.

    Tri-Cities, WA

    How About a Sunset Video?

    May 7, 2012

    I take a lot of photos of the gorgeous sunsets behind our new house, but wanted to shoot a short video to also show the overall peace and quiet. It’s really great to sit on the back porch and enjoy the peace, quiet and stunning sunsets.

    So, here’s about 15 seconds of video shot last night with my iPhone. No tripods or anything like that, just a quick look at a gorgeous sunset.


    Sunset: Day 39

    April 14, 2012

    This is from last night (Friday), which was day 39 at the new house. Can’t wait until the weather warms up just a bit more and the wind goes away, so we can sit out on the patio well into the evening hours.
