Browsing Tag: songpop


    Highest. Songpop score. Ever. (And I Lost…)

    October 24, 2013

    Here’s my new definition of FRUSTRATING:


    That’s me on the right setting a personal high on the Songpop game/app. First time I ever scored above 22,000 points, which is pretty rarefied air.

    And I lost.

    I don’t know who Eric C. is, but he managed to get “Let’s Dance” in six-tenths of a second, which made my 1.1 second time seem utterly turtle-like. And that song was the difference.

    I have to admit that I really enjoy playing against this guy. Dude is really good and always makes me bring my “A” game. He almost hit 23,000 points in this round, which is mind-boggling.

    I really shouldn’t be frustrated about losing this one, not when I set a personal record. Guess I’ll just have to do it again next time against him.


    Room for Improvement

    July 15, 2012

    As you get older, it’s important to continue to identify areas of your life where you can do better and learn more. You should always be growing and striving to do better.

    Clearly, based on my performance in the Song Pop game, I have a lot of room for improvement in knowing the Modern Rap category.


    (My friend and competitor in this game also has a lot of room for improvement, too. But she still beat me in this round.)