Tri-Cities, WA

Tastykakes in Tri-Cities

January 4, 2009

It was just an ordinary trip to the Richland Wal-Mart, until we walked in and these were the very first thing I saw….

They're Heeeeeeeere

They had a big display of Tastykakes right at the front entrance, as if they somehow knew the tasty awesomeness that’s included in every box. For those of you who grew up out west, Tastykakes are as much a Philadelphia institution as soft pretzels and steak sandwiches. I grew up eating them (you can tell just by looking at me) and used to have my parents send me a couple boxes every year when I was at Pepperdine. My good friend (and Baltimore photographer) Phil R. has even blessed me with boxes of Tastykakes on a few occasions in recent years.

Tastykake Co. has tried on a few occasions to branch out and sell product out here on the west coast, but it never seems to work. They were available in some local convenience stores several years ago, but I haven’t seen them out here since then.

Cari’s not a fan, but Sean and T both liked what they tasted tonight. Not that it really matters; I’ll buy ’em just for me if that’s what it takes.


  • Reply Phil R January 4, 2009 at 5:11 am

    About stinking time they got there.

    Wait til you try the double overfilled version:

  • Reply Matt January 4, 2009 at 3:30 pm

    I bet those are amazing. Unfortunately, the web site says “not available within 100 miles.” Ugh…

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