Sometimes I feel like I lead two different lives. There’s my SEO/marketing life … and there’s my U2 life. The first life is the one that puts food on the table, and it’s a life I like. But this weekend reminded me that the second life is the one I love, and probably couldn’t live without.
For some reason, surrounding myself with fellow U2 fans that share the same deep passion and curiosity about this band renews me like nothing else. It happened in 2003 when @U2 co-presented an international U2 fan event at the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, and it happened again this weekend at the first U2 academic conference. (lots of photos here)
It helped that I also saw one of the best U2 concerts of my life Saturday night in Raleigh, right in the middle of the conference … and that @U2 hosted a super-fun post-conference event Sunday night in which I got to host a Q&A chat for nearly an hour with my favorite journalist, Neil McCormick.
But ultimately, it’s being around the U2 fans that wins the day for me. Sure, there are a few bad eggs in every group. But the vast majority of U2 fans I’ve met are special people. They make my U2 life all the better. If any of them are reading this, thank you.
I’ll probably have some more U2 stuff to write about in the near future. Lots of stuff going through my mind and heart at the moment.
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