Last week in Houston, when every speaker (except me and Stoney D.) at the Small Business Marketing Unleashed conference said the word “twitter” at least 25 times, I made a simple promise to everyone telling me to sign up: as soon as I rank #1 in Google for [last person on twitter], I’ll sign up.
Easy enough, right? Anyone that thinks I should sign up just needs to link to that older post with the exact anchor text as above, and in a matter of days, I should be number one.
I keep checking every day, but I’m not there yet. I keep bouncing between #3 and #4. Right now, I’m No. 4:
I’m quite content not having a Twitter account. I use FriendFeed and still get to see everything my contacts are sharing, so that’s cool. But really, if you’ve been bugging me to sign up, follow through and point a link with the correct anchor text to that old post that’s currently No. 4 for “last person on Twitter.” It’ll probably only take five links to push that post to the top….
Ironically, I deleted my Twitter account yesterday. It had recently become too much of a distraction without much of a return for me — so I pulled the plug. So, I won’t be pressuring you much to get onboard any longer.
After looking around at Twitter, I just don’t feel the need to join. I also don’t think I will be in Egypt and get jailed for whatever blogging I am doing…
Even bigger, I don’t have unlimited texts to my phone, shocking now-a-days, so I don’t want to get bombarded with texts. I connect how I want, and thats good enough for me!
Most people I know turn off the send-to-cell-phone feature, fwiw.
Matt –
I checked Last Person On Twitter and you’re at #4/5 when I checked. The #3 SERP in your screen shot is #1, Twitter itself has fallen to # 2/3 …
What will you do when you really do reach #1? Rachel Phillips got converted today … it was kind of like the The Game episode from Star Trek TNG … … An addictive game is distributed among the crew of the Enterprise, however, it appears that this game interferes with a person’s logic and reason, which leaves the crew open to manipulation. Almost creepy. (not Rachel – the addiction)