Social Media

Update: Still Not on Twitter

April 26, 2008

Last week in Houston, when every speaker (except me and Stoney D.) at the Small Business Marketing Unleashed conference said the word “twitter” at least 25 times, I made a simple promise to everyone telling me to sign up: as soon as I rank #1 in Google for [last person on twitter], I’ll sign up.

Easy enough, right? Anyone that thinks I should sign up just needs to link to that older post with the exact anchor text as above, and in a matter of days, I should be number one.

I keep checking every day, but I’m not there yet. I keep bouncing between #3 and #4. Right now, I’m No. 4:

last person on twitter Google search

I’m quite content not having a Twitter account. I use FriendFeed and still get to see everything my contacts are sharing, so that’s cool. But really, if you’ve been bugging me to sign up, follow through and point a link with the correct anchor text to that old post that’s currently No. 4 for “last person on Twitter.” It’ll probably only take five links to push that post to the top….


  • Reply Eric April 26, 2008 at 7:52 pm

    Ironically, I deleted my Twitter account yesterday. It had recently become too much of a distraction without much of a return for me — so I pulled the plug. So, I won’t be pressuring you much to get onboard any longer.

  • Reply Phil R April 27, 2008 at 5:36 am

    After looking around at Twitter, I just don’t feel the need to join. I also don’t think I will be in Egypt and get jailed for whatever blogging I am doing…

    Even bigger, I don’t have unlimited texts to my phone, shocking now-a-days, so I don’t want to get bombarded with texts. I connect how I want, and thats good enough for me!

  • Reply Matt April 27, 2008 at 11:50 am

    Most people I know turn off the send-to-cell-phone feature, fwiw.

  • Reply Diana April 28, 2008 at 9:32 pm

    Matt –
    I checked Last Person On Twitter and you’re at #4/5 when I checked. The #3 SERP in your screen shot is #1, Twitter itself has fallen to # 2/3 …

    What will you do when you really do reach #1? Rachel Phillips got converted today … it was kind of like the The Game episode from Star Trek TNG … … An addictive game is distributed among the crew of the Enterprise, however, it appears that this game interferes with a person’s logic and reason, which leaves the crew open to manipulation. Almost creepy. (not Rachel – the addiction)

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